
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with the natural world. As a little kid, I’d spend hours sitting with my neighbor calling birds and watching them fly from branch to branch in the nearby row of pine trees. On family trips, I felt the awe of observing towering mountains, massive glaciers, and the great expanse and power of the oceans. Most recently, I often find myself filled with astonishment when reflecting on the fact that the elements that make up everything around us were once created in a star long before the Earth even existed.

When I first used my family’s old Canon Powershot point-and-shoot camera, I discovered how to capture this beauty. Now, after years of practicing photography as a hobby, I have developed a passion for landscape, wildlife, and astrophotography.

I hope you enjoy following along as I continue to hone my photographic skills. Please consider supporting my work by purchasing a print or sharing my videos and photos with your friends.